System Performance
Performance #
Measure of how fast or responsive a system is under
- A given workload
- A given hardware setup
Performance Goals - As we increase workload the performance be stable or should not severely degrade the performance. If we increase hardware capacity the performance should ideally increase.
How to spot performance problems ? Every performance problems is result of some queue building somewhere. Ex: Network socket queue, DB IO queue, OS run queue etc.
Reasons for queue build up ?
- Inefficient slow processing
- Serial resource access
- Limited resource capacity
So while designing systems identify where queues build up can happen and avoid it.
Performance Principles #
Efficiency :
- Efficient resource utilization
- IO - memory, network, disk
- Efficient logic
- Aglorithms
- DB queries
- Efficient data storage
- Data Structures
- DB schema
- Caching
- Efficient resource utilization
- Hardware
- Software
- Quequeing
- Coherence
Capacity : Identifying a performance problem whether it is a concurrency/efficiency or capacity problem is a hard task.
System Peformance Objectives #
Minimize request-response latency
- Latency is measured in time units
- Depends on wait/idle time and processing time
Maximize throughput
- Throughtput is measured as Rate of request processing and depends on latency and capacity.
Performance Measurement Metrics #
- Affects : user experience
- Desired : As low as possible
- Affects : number of users that can be supported
- Desired : greater than the request rate
- Affects : functional correctness
- Desired : None
Resource saturation
- Affects : hardware capacity required
- Desired : Efficient utilization of all system resources
Tail latency : Indication of quequing of requets and gets worse with higher workloads
Measure 99 percentile latency because average latency hides effects of tail latency
Serial Request Latency #
Network Latency
- Data Transfer(Global/Regional/Local Network)
- TCP connection - Three way handshake
- SSL/TLS connection - On top of TCP
Minimizing Network Latency
On Database side:
- Connection pool : We can create connection and reuse the connection and reduce connection creation latency.
- Data transfer Overhead : Reduce the size of data or don’t transfer the data at all(use cache).
On client side:
- Use Persistent connections
- Static data caching
- Data format and compression
- SSL Session caching : reduce the repeated new connection creation between client and server
Memory Latency
- Finite Heap memory : Increase garbage collection frequency
- GC Alogrithm : Use proper alogrithm
- Finite Buffer memory on Database
Minimizing memory latency
- Avoid memory bloat : process should accupy as little memory as possible
- Weak/Soft References : allows GC to destroy the objects when running out of memory
- Multiple smaller processes are better than single process
- Garbage collection algorithm : Different flavors available(live process vs batch process)
- Allocate Finite buffer memory on database to improve database performance
- Normalization : reduce redundancy
- Compute Over Storage
Disk Latency
- Disk access latency - Web server need to access files like html and javascript files which need to loaded from disk and can cause huge latency
Disk Latency Approaches
- Sequential IO and Random IO
- Asynchronous logging
- Static data can handled by reverse proxy(Page cache and Zero copy)
- Query optimization and Indexing
- Data caching
- Hardware Level - SSD Disk, RAID(Parallel Access), Higer Input Output per seconds IOPS.
CPU Latency
- Inefficient Algorithms
- Context Switching
CPU Latency Approaches
- Batch / Async IO
- Single Threaded Model
- Thread Pool Size
- Multiprocess in Virtual Env
Concurrent Request Latency #
- Concurrent Processing
- Amdhal’s Law : Have minimum serial request processing.
- Univsersal Scalability Law : Queueing + Coherence( caching of variables and there synchronization across threads)