Payment Processing System : Develop a payment processing system that supports multiple payment methods (e.g., Credit Card, PayPal, Bitcoin).
Define an interface PaymentStrategy with a method pay(double amount).
Implement concrete classes CreditCardPayment, PayPalPayment, and BitcoinPayment that implement the PaymentStrategy interface.
Create an Order class that uses a PaymentStrategy to process payments.
Demonstrate switching between different payment strategies at runtime.
Text Formatting : Create a text editor that can format text in various ways (e.g., plain text, HTML, Markdown).
Define an interface TextFormatter with a method format(String text).
Implement concrete classes PlainTextFormatter, HTMLFormatter, and MarkdownFormatter that implement the TextFormatter interface.
Create a TextEditor class that uses a TextFormatter to format text.
Demonstrate changing the text formatting strategy at runtime.
Travel Route Planning : Develop a travel planning application that can find routes using different transportation methods (e.g., Car, Bike, Walking).
Define an interface RouteStrategy with a method calculateRoute(String start, String end).
Implement concrete classes CarRoute, BikeRoute, and WalkingRoute that implement the RouteStrategy interface.
Create a TravelPlanner class that uses a RouteStrategy to calculate routes.
Demonstrate changing the route calculation strategy at runtime.
Context-Aware Strategies : Create a recommendation system that provides different recommendations based on user context (e.g., Movie Recommendations, Book Recommendations, Product Recommendations).
Define an interface RecommendationStrategy with a method recommend(String userContext).
Implement concrete classes MovieRecommendation, BookRecommendation, and ProductRecommendation that implement the RecommendationStrategy interface.
Create a Recommender class that uses a RecommendationStrategy to generate recommendations.
Demonstrate adapting the recommendation strategy based on different user contexts.